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Day 2: Working with Peer_Family-Run Part 2 Presentation

Presenters: Rebecca Evansky, Executive Director, Wellness Collaborative of NY Independent Practice Association (WCNY-IPA), Aviva Cohen, LMSW, NYCPS-P, Chief Strategy Officer, Hands Across Long Island (HALI), Jeremy Reuling, LCSW, NYCPS, Program Coordinator, Yonkers Mobile Crisis Response Team, People USA , Tammy Bush, BA, NYCPS, CPMC, Deputy Director S.T.E.P. by S.T.E.P., Inc./RPN Central Region Coordinator, Taina Laing, MSW, CEO, Baltic Street Wellness Solutions, Tyrus (TJ) Curtis, FPA-C, Family Training Coordinator at Families Together
in NYS, Meghann Simpson, YPA-C, Youth Training Coordinator Families Together in NYS, Maria Fuentes, FPA-C, Family Peer Support Training Specialist, NYU McSilver/PeerTAC

This session takes a deeper dive into working with peer led organizations and peer providers and will review highlights from Summit Day 1, Part 1: Working with Peer Run Organizations. The session will include a panel discussion of the best practices in collaboration and implementing new skills to best support peer professionals, while advancing the profession across the care continuum. During this session, participants will learn about working in conjunction with peers (adult, youth, and family advocates), and inspiring your team of peers.

Source: PeerTAC

Supervisor, Adult