Day 1: LGBTIA+ Presentation
Presenters: Elise Diamond, NYCPS, LGBTQIA+ Cultural Responsiveness Trainer and Consultant, Recovery Specialist and Trainer with OnTrackNY, Beth Bloom, BFA, Peer Coach II, East House
This session, led by two peer support specialists in the LGBTQIA+ community, explores structural inequities faced by LGBTQIA+ peer supporters and service users. It explores what is needed by supervisors, supervisees, and service users. The aim is to challenge stereotypes, encourage empathy, and provide practical tools for supervisors to empower LGBTQIA+ peer
supporters, and those who are providing peer support to those in the LGBTQIA+ community. By focusing on communication, collaboration, community building, and structural competence, attendees will be able to use supervision to serve the goals of collective healing and liberation.
Source: PeerTAC