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PeerTAC Peer Support Services Technical Assistance Center
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Day 2 Resources
Day 2: Welcome/Opening Remarks Presentation
Workplace Wellness
Day 2: Workplace Wellness Presentation
Keynote Presenter: Peggy Swarbrick
Day 2: Peggy Swarbrick Keynote Presentation
Tools and Techniques to Create a Workplace Wellness Culture
Day 2: Tools and Techniques to Create a Workplace Wellness Culture Presentation
Are you a Non-peer Supervisor?
What the Research Says You Need to Do to Be Successful with Peer Staff
Day 2: Are you a Non-Peer Supervisor?…Presentation
Collaborative Approaches for Leaders of Family Peer Advocates (FPAs)
Day 2: FPA Supervision Presentation
Contracting (with a Peer/Family-Run Organization) for Supervision
Day 2: Contracting (with a Peer/Family-Run Organization) for Supervision Presentation
State and Regional List: Meet your OMH and Peer representatives
State and Regional Representatives
Special Presentation Peer Support Across the Lifespan
Day 2: Supervision Across the Lifespan Presentation
Keynote Presenter: Robbie Lettieri
Day 2: Robbie Lettieri Keynote Presentation
Diagnostic Overshadowing in Peer Supervision
Day 2: Diagnostic Overshadowing Presentation
Unlocking Futures: Keys to Supervising Justice-Impacted Individuals
Day 2: Unlocking Futures: Keys to Supervising Justice-Impacted Individuals Presentation
Working with Peer and Family Run Organizations Part 2
Day 2: Working with Peer_Family-Run Part 2 Presentation
Resource Room: A Demonstration of PeerTAC Tools, Training, and TA for Supervisors
Day 2: Resource Room Presentation
Wrap up Day 2: Announcements, Book Winners, and Partner Acknowledgement
Day 2: Wrap-up/Closing