Day 2: Resource Room Presentation
Presenters: Rita Cronise, MS, ALWF, Co-Director PeerTAC, Faculty Rutgers University, Joanne Forbes Ph.D., Consultant, Author, Founding Board Member Baltic Street Wellness Solutions, Inc, Emily Childress, MPA, NYCPS-P, Director CORE Peer Navigator Program, Alliance
for Rights and Recovery, KC Carpenter, Coordinator New York Peer Advancement Network, National Association of Peer Supporters (N.A.P.S.), Carrie Ann Rollier, FPA-C, Director of Training and Workforce Development, Families Together in NYS
Members of PeerTAC and its partner organizations describe and demonstrate resources that support the supervision of certified peer specialists, family peer advocates, and youth peer advocates. As an emerging profession, peer support brings a new and diverse set of skills, values, and perspectives to already existing behavioral health teams. This session is an opportunity for participants to access resources that can be used to gain greater knowledge and practical skills in peer-informed supervision.
Source: PeerTAC