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OnTrackNY Peer Specialist Manual

OnTrackNY Peer Specialist Manual

OnTrackNY Peer Specialists Manual.

This manual reviews the tasks and role responsibilities of Peer Specialists working on an OnTrackNY team. The manual will be an important tool as we begin our work and can be a valuable reference for our work as we continue to grow into our role. This manual is not a cookbook. There are no step-by-step recipes for handling every situation Peer Specialists encounter on the job. The manual contains guidance about the work. It will be important to revisit this manual as the work evolves with OnTrackNY. At the end there are Appendices and Resources with a lot of helpful tools, as well as a glossary of terms to clarify the language used throughout this manual. Glossary terms are accessible throughout the manual, click on the underlined terms and you will be redirected to the definition.

Overview of Peer Services
Youth Peer Advocate, Adult Peer Support Specialist, Family Peer Advocate, Adult, Youth, Family