Day 1: Working w/Peer and Family Orgs Presentation
Presenters: Rebecca Evansky, Executive Director, Wellness Collaborative of NY Independent Practice Association (WCNY-IPA), Shannon Higbee, BA, CEO, Recovery Options, Jeremy Reuling, LCSW, NYCPS, Program Coordinator, Yonkers Mobile Crisis Response Team, People USA, Tammy Bush, BA, NYCPS, CPMC, Deputy Director S.T.E.P. by S.T.E.P., Inc./RPN Central Region Coordinator, Taina Laing MSW, NYCPS, CEO, Baltic Street Wellness Solutions, Tyrus (TJ) Curtis, FPA-C, Family Training Coordinator at Families Together in NYS, Meghann Simpson, YPA-C, Youth Training Coordinator Families Together in NYS
In this session, you will learn about working with peer-led and family-led organizations, and strategies for involving peer providers in your practice or organization in a variety of ways.
It will include a review from panel members of the successes and challenges in contracting or consulting with these organizations to help improve practices. The session will explore
collaborative approaches for leading peers from a supervisory perspective. Participants will explore topics including hiring and building rapport, establishing role dynamics, accommodations and support for peer status, and growth opportunities.
Source: PeerTAC