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Taina Laing

Taina Laing MSW, NYCPS, CEO, Baltic Street Wellness Solutions

Taina has been employed at Baltic Street Wellness Solutions (formerly Baltic Street AEH, Inc.) since 2002 and was appointed as CEO in September, 2020. Taina brings over 20 years of peer supervision, advocacy, and vocational services to individuals with mental health and substance use/misuse diagnoses. Taina is the Co-President of the Alliance for Rights and Recovery, is President of the New York State Peer Certification Board, is a member of the Institute for the Development of Human Arts (IDHA) board, a member of WCNY-IPA, and is a professional participant in developing and overviewing the exam of the MHA National Certified Peer Specialist. Taina graduated from Stony Brook University with her MSW, is a New York State Certified Peer Specialist and is looking forward to pursuing her Ph.D. in researching transgenerational trauma and the links of systemic oppression within the mental health and justice systems.