Rita Cronise, MS, ALWF, Faculty, Rutgers University Academy of Peer Services, Co-Director PeerTAC
Rita has over two decades of experience in training peer specialists at the local, state, and national level. She coordinated development of the National Practice Guidelines for Peer Supporters through the National Association of Peer Supporters (N.A.P.S.) and later served as Co-Director of the National Association until taking a full time faculty position at Rutgers University to help develop the Academy of Peer Services, which is the online training program used in the peer specialist certification in New York State. She currently serves as Co-Director of the Peer Support Services Technical Assistance Center (PeerTAC). She is pleased to be one of the four editors for the N.A.P.S. book, “What it Takes: Wisdom from Peer Specialists and Supervisors.” All proceeds from the book go to the National Association. Rita is a frequent lecturer on peer support values, practices, and supervision.