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Rebecca Evansky

Rebecca Evansky, Executive Director, Wellness Collaborative of New York, Independent Practice Association (WCNY-IPA)

Rebecca supports the growth of peer support services through a unique Independent Practice Association comprising twelve peer-led provider organizations, spanning New York State. Advancing the collaborative foundation to ensure quality and authenticity of peer support services and shifting towards sustainable value-based contracting. Prior to this project, she was responsible for overseeing initiatives focused on treatment and prevention of substance use disorders, working to strengthen infrastructure across systems and cultivate strong partnerships across the region as part of the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Program at the Adirondack Health Institute. Known as a compassionate advocate for special victims, providing direct client services for over 15 years, including legal and medical advocacy and continues dedicated service as a volunteer to her local domestic violence hotline. Rebecca is a skilled presenter in trauma informed practices, health and wellness planning, collaborative partnerships and strategic planning.