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Welcome to Recovery Practices

Lori Ashcraft, PhD, Crestwood Recovery Resilience Solution

Recovery-Based Welcoming Practice

This episode relates to Peer Support Services in a MHOTRS clinic because of the role peer supporters can play in initial connections with participants and advocating for an evolution in service delivery. Peer supporters are champions of the change needed in the mental health system and are an example of what is possible with a recovery mindset.

Recovery practices go beyond WHAT we do and emphasize HOW we do it. In this episode, thought leader Lori Ashcraft introduces the five points of a solid recovery program by making a contrast between standard (organization based) terms and approaches and what peers and other recovery oriented practitioners do. These five points are:

  1. Welcoming (Intake),
  2. Recovery Plan (Treatment Plan), 
  3. Program, 
  4. Events (addressing challenging behaviors), and 
  5. Moving On (Discharge). 

Lori then dives into describing the importance of the Welcoming process.

As Lori states in her Welcoming Blog, that goes along with this video/podcast,  “It is so important to get this right because it’s the first and lasting impression the person has of both us and our program.” While it is understood that there are regulations to be followed, we must meet those regulations in an empowering way. This episode shows us how to do it from our first interaction with a person.

What are Lori’s qualifications to offer this guidance?

Lori Ashcraft, PhD is the co-founder and current Director at Resilience, Inc. As posted in her LinkedIn profile, Lori is “committed to furthering the recovery movement and moving on to the development of resilience in crisis services, peer support in all settings, including community and prisons and hospitals, and developing resilient leaders and organizations.” Lori is a thought leader and pioneer in the peer movement, championing recovery principles in every area she touches. Lori’s past experiences include being the Deputy Director for Community Programs of the State Department of Mental Health in California and as professor at the University of Arizona, teaching psycho-social rehabilitation. Lori is an active member of the Advisory Boards of SAMHSA, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, and Optum.

What is in this episode:

  • Introduction to the 5 Points of a solid recovery program
  • Discussion on the Welcoming (Intake) process – “It isn’t just the paper part; it is how it is done.” 
  • Breaking down The Welcome Letter
  • The danger of dragging toward convenience and drifting towards indifference

Tune in and start your journey in learning about the characteristics of a solid recovery program.

© Crestwood Recovery Resilience Solutions. All rights reserved.
Viva La Evolution #013. Interview by Lori Ashcraft. Used with permission.
Summary by Stephen Nawotniak, Alliance for Rights and Recovery (formerly NYAPRS).

More about Viva La Evolution and Crestwood

Developed by Crestwood Behavioral Health
With Contributions by the Alliance for Rights and Recovery (formerly New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services)
For PeerTAC
Funded by the New York State Office of Mental Health