PeerTac Logo PeerTAC Peer Support Services Technical Assistance Center

Group of People walking down hall

Organizational Leadership

Board members, leaders, executives, and managers of mental health organizations operated, licensed, or funded by the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) who are responsible for the successful inclusion of Peer Support Services (by youth, family, and adults) within the organization.

Woman and Man in Discussion

Family, Youth, and Adult Peer Support Workers

Individuals with lived experience navigating one or more of the following systems including education, health, mental health, substance use, child welfare, and/or the criminal and juvenile justice system who use their personal experience to help others experiencing similar situations. Through shared understanding, respect, and mutual empowerment, Peer Specialists/Advocates help families, youth, and adults who are receiving services to find hope and develop recovery skills for better outcomes.

Man with hand on a shoulder in group discussion

Supervisors, Mentors, Team Members

Those who work directly with Peer Specialists/Advocates play a critical role in the successful inclusion of Peer Support Services in the organization. Understanding recovery/resiliency-oriented practices and values, and the core competencies, values, and practices of peer support can lead to the satisfaction of the Peer Specialists/Advocates, and their colleagues and clients.

Trainings & Events

Online and in-person training is available for each of the audiences we serve. Training for the current month is listed in the calendar, which can be set to show a list view, day view, week view or month view.


Resources are available for each of the audiences we serve. Resources are available alphabetically, chronologically or by most frequently accessed.