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Ron Manderscheid: Life-Long Commitment to the Inclusion of People with Lived Experiences at Policy and Practice Tables


In this episode, Lori Ashcraft interviews a nationally recognized leader in behavioral health care, who became a champion for involving people with firsthand experience of the mental health system when developing mental health services policies and directives. In the interview, he acknowledges that trauma is a major cause of various behavioral health issues, and we must reduce the trauma in our society to reduce the prevalence of mental health problems. The lived experiences of those who came forward to share their stories at these decision-making tables reinforce why Trauma Informed Care and Peer Support Services are central to successful behavioral health care.  

Meet Ron Manderscheid, PhD

Ron Manderscheid PhD is one the peer support movement’s greatest champions, educators, and influencers.  He is now retired from his role as the Executive Director of the National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Directors (NACBHDD). Concurrently, he is Adjunct Professor at the Department of Mental Health, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University. 

Throughout his career, he emphasized, elevated, and promoted peer and family concerns.  He has won numerous prestigious awards, including the NASW Knee/Wittman Outstanding Achievement Award in Health & Mental Health Policy in 2009.  Over the past 4 decades, Ron Manderscheid has been a strong, longtime supporter of peer support and recovery focused approaches. His work and writings have shaped the peer movement’s vision and work. 

What is in this episode:

  • The importance of persistence and resilience in change and growth.
  • The value of learning how to work through hardship.
  • The need for resiliency in peer support.
  • Post-traumatic growth through traumatic experiences.
  • The limiting factors associated with stereotyping roles and professions.  

This discussion relates to peer support services in a MHOTRS clinic, describing the effect of a peer specialist’s role modeling on participants, clinical staff, and policy makers.  It shares the importance of this impact on influencing people’s perspective around a person’s road to recovery.  

Check out this exciting episode today! 

Summary by Stephen Nawotniak, OTR/L, NYCPS, CPRP, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Specialist, Alliance for Rights and Recovery.

Relevant Links:

Check out the Recovery Resilience Solutions website.

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More About Viva La Evolution and Crestwood.

Developed by Crestwood Behavioral Health
With Contributions by the Alliance for Rights and Recovery (formerly New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services)
For PeerTAC
Funded by the New York State Office of Mental Health